The Last Stand Wiki
The Last Stand Wiki

First off, another nameable Halloween-exclusive weapon, a Scythe, has been revealed on TLS:DZ's Facebook page. Go here to vote. "The Harvester" is leading by a large margin.

UPDATE: "The Harvester" joins "Ash's Right Hand" as a Halloween-exclusive weapon.

Now for the really big change. Range is being massively reworked in the Halloween update primarily for compound raids, though it will affect regular missions as well. See here for full preview.


  • Range has been changed to Effective Range.
  • The range ring surrounding survivors now shows their Effective Range instead. Survivors will still attack automatically within that ring.
  • Force attacking no longer moves your survivor into range, they will attack the target from where they're standing. However, they will still need line of sight.
  • Shots made past Effective Range have decreased accuracy and suppression. Formula for Beyond Effective Range Accuracy is:
"Basically you get an exponential drop off. For every unit outside the range, you lose double the amount of accuracy as the last step."
— Con

PvP and AI[]

  • Enemy survivors that are under suppression will now return fire until they have cleared their suppression, regardless of distance. Accuracy and suppression penalty applies to them as well.

That's probably not the last of the new stuff being added in the update, since Con has mentioned an injury system and zombie changes.
